Expansion: Mind Renewal (Pt 1) - Myles Milham
1. Stop waiting for an outside miracle to change your mind.
2. Stop believing that you can’t control your thoughts.
3. What you feed your mind with becomes a mindset.
4. Confess the word of truth (what you believe), not what you feel.
5. Resist negative thoughts, focus your mind on positive thoughts.
6. Celebrate God’s victories in your life, what He’s doing.
7. Expect miracles!
Mark 12 / Rom 3:23 / Ps 51:10-11 / 2Cor 10:4-6 / Eph 4:17-24 / Phil 4:8 / Josh 1:8 / Ps 1:2 / Matt 4 / Ps 119 / Ex 28:31-38 / 1Cor 13:1 / Matt 7:20 / John 15:8